
Who is your favorite marvel character?

Human Torch

How has UW UB affected your life?

UW Upward Bound has affected my life because it let me experience actual college life by taking college courses in a college environment. It showed me how different college actually is and made me want to try harder in my High School classes. Upward Bound has also taught me to constantly do my best and to remember that I'm competing with thousands of other people who want to go into the same college as I do. I should continue to do what I want to do, not because someone else told me to. There are tons and tons of options to choose from that could steer me to a successful future.

If you were given a chance to have a superpower, which superpower would you choose?


What's one thing you're afraid of losing?

My family

What is your motto?

"Do your best to live life the way you want it."

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? In complete detail, explain why.

The chicken because it came from evolution from another different type of bird species back then, which is how the chicken came to be.